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Sqlways.ini File - Section [NEOVIEW]

This article describes sqlways.ini file [NEOVIEW] section and options it contains.

Option name Description
HOST This option sets the host name where import will be done.
DATABASE This option sets the database name where import will be done.
USER This option sets user account that will be used to connect to NeoView database.
PWD This option sets password that will be used together with the user account to connect to NeoView database.
PORT This option sets port number that will be used to connect to NeoView database.
TARGET_VERSION This option sets the version number of the database where import will be done.
BIN This option sets the path to the native utility that will be used by SQLWays Wizard tool to make an import into the NeoView database.
USE_CONVERT_CHAR_TO_VARCHAR Specifies whether the CHAR datatype will be converted to VARCHAR when migrating to Teradata.
CONVERT_CHAR_TO_VARCHAR This option works together with USE_CONVERT_CHAR_TO_VARCHAR and defines the length of CHAR columns started from which all the CHAR columns will be converted to VARCHAR.
RANGE_PART_XML_GEN This option lets you collect the information about RANGE PARTITIONS while doing the conversion to NeoView database. If this option is set to Yes, the range_part_spec.xml file is generated during the conversion. This file can be subsequently used for RANGE PARTITION conversion to NeoView. The default value is No.
CONVERT_MULTILINE_TO_SINGLELINE_COMMENT This option controls the way the multi-line comments are converted to NeoView. The default value is No.
DEFAULT_STORAGE This option controls the partitioning mechanism to use while converting to NeoView. The default value is HASH_PARTITION_BY, which means that HASH PARTITION is used by default.



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