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Sqlways.ini File - Section [SAPHANA]

This article describes sqlways.ini file [SAPHANA] section and options it contains.

Option name Description
HOST This option sets the host name where import will be done.
INSTANCE_NUMBER This option sets the instance number of the server where import will be done.
DATABASE This option sets the database name where import will be done.
USER This option sets user account that will be used to connect to Sap Hana database.
PWD This option sets password that will be used together with the user account to connect to Sap Hana database.
PORT This option sets port number that will be used to connect to Sap Hana database.
TARGET_VERSION This option sets the version number of the database where import will be done.
BIN This option sets the path to the native utility (hdbsql.exe) that will be used by SQLWays Wizard tool to make an import into the Sap Hana database.
CHARACTER_SET This option defines the encoding that will be used to store the extracted data in the files in export folder.
GENERATE_CDS This option allows to generate CDS files with extension .hdbschema when migrating tables to Sap Hana database.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty. Default value - “No” or Empty.
CDS_NAMESPACE This option allows to generate the required namespace in CDS files when migrating tables to Sap Hana database.
COLUMN_STORE_TABLES This option allows to convert tables from source database to COLUMN tables in Sap Hana.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty. Default value - “No” or Empty.
APPLIANCE_DIR In this option should be specified a path to the folder where CSV and CTL files will be moved after the conversion process in order to load the definitions and data into Sap Hana database.
COMMAND_SEPARATOR In this option a command separator that will be used in the generated sql files should be specified. A user can specify its own separator.
Default value - “#”.



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