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Sqlways.ini File - Section [_WZD_COMMON]

This article describes sqlways.ini file [_WZD_COMMON] section and the options it contains.

Option name Description
GENERATE_IMPORT_SCRIPTS If this option is set to Yes, SQLWays Wizard will generate all the files required for making import into the target database. Such files as ctl, .ldi and .bat files. If this option is set to “No”, such files will not be generated. Also this option can be set in the SQLWays Wizard tool, on the “Choose a Target Database” page.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value - “Yes”.
REPLACE_NOT_ALLOWED_CHARS_FPOS Some databases identifier names could contain specific characters that may not be allowed in the target database. This option was created in order to replace such characters only from first position. Character that will replace not allowed characters should be specified in this option.
REPLACE_NOT_ALLOWED_CHARS In some databases identifier names could have specific characters that may not be allowed in the target database. This option was created in order to replace such characters. Сharacter that will replace not allowed characters should be specified in this option.
USE_QUERY_FOR_EXPORT If this option is set to “Yes”, then sql queries will be used to extract data from source database. Queries can be specified either in GUI or in the sql file.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value - “No”.
EXPORT_QUERY_FROM_FILE If this option is set to “Yes”, then an sql file, that contains sql queries will be used, these queries will be used to extract data from the source database. Path to a file with sql queries should be provided in the “EXPORTQUERYFILE” option.
Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty.
Default value - “No” or Empty.
EXPORTQUERYTEXT This option contains stored queries, that will be used to extract data from the source database. Queries are separated using the “\\”.
EXPORTQUERYFILE This option works only when “EXPORT_QUERY_FROM_FILE” option is set to “Yes”. In this option we need to define a path to the sql file with the queries, that will be used to extract data from the source database.
EXPORTQUERYTARGETNAMES In this option target table names should be specified, they will be used in the CREATE TABLE statements, that will be built for each query defined in the “EXPORTQUERYTEXT” option. Table names should be separated using the “\\”.
EXPORTQUERYTARGETNAMESFILE This option works only if “EXPORT_QUERY_FROM_FILE” option is set to “Yes”. This option should specify a path to the file, that will store target table names for tables that will be created in the target database.



If you have any questions on the supported options or some features that you may need during your migration project, please contact our technical team:

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