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PostgreSQL Identifiers

This article describes identifiers in PostgreSQL.

Identifier Rules

PostgreSQL - Identifier Rules
First Character An alphabetic character and underscore (_)
Subsequent Characters Alphanumeric characters, underscore (_) and dollar sign ($)
Maximum Length 63 characters

Maximum length is defined by NAMEDATALEN-1, longer names can be used in scripts but they are truncated.
By default, NAMEDATALEN is 64 and it can changed in src/include/pg_config_manual.h
Case Sensitivity Identifiers (not quoted) are case insensitive
Standards ANSI SQL - $ is not allowed

Identifiers - Differences between PostgreSQL and other Databases

Database Identifiers First Character Subsequent Characters Max Length
SQL Server SQL Server Identifiers Allowed: @ and # Allowed: @ and # 128
Oracle Oracle Identifiers Not allowed: _ Allowed: # 30
IBM DB2 IBM DB2 Identifiers Not allowed: _ Not allowed: $ 128
MySQL MySQL Identifiers Allowed: digit
Not allowed: _
No differences 64
Sybase ASE Sybase ASE Identifiers Allowed: @ and # Allowed: @ and # 255

Quoted or Delimited Identifiers

PostgreSQL - Quoted Identifier Rules
Quotation Marks Double quotation marks (“”)
Characters Any character except the character with code zero. 2 double quotes can be used to include a double quote
Case Sensitivity Case sensitive
Notes Unquoted identifiers are always converted to lower case, so the identifiers ID, id, and “id” are considered the same
Standards ANSI SQL - Unquoted identifiers should be converted to upper case

Quoted Identifiers - Differences between PostgreSQL and other Databases

Database Identifiers Quotation Marks Characters Case Sensitivity
Oracle Oracle Quoted Identifiers “” Any except quotes Case sensitive
SQL Server SQL Server Quoted Identifiers [] and “” Any except quotes Case insensitive
IBM DB2 IBM DB2 Identifiers “” Any including quotes Case sensitive
MySQL MySQL Identifiers `` and “” Any except quotes Case sensitive
Sybase ASE Sybase ASE Quoted Identifiers [] and “” Any except quotes Case insensitive

SQLWays Product Page - Migration to PostgreSQL Free Evaluation

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