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Sybase ASE - Transact-SQL System Functions

This article describes the Transact-SQL system functions supported by Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.0.x and earlier.


Function Description
UUID/GUID Generation Functions
NEWID() Generates global unique IDs (GUID/UUID)

UUID/GUID Generation Functions


Sybase ASE - NEWID
Syntax NEWID([p])
Description Generates global unique IDs (GUID/UUID)
Parameters if p is 0 - GUID does not include dashes, if p is 1 - GUID includes dashes, if p is 0x0 - GUID is returned as binary data
Return Value if p is 0 - return value is VARCHAR(32), if p is 1 - VARCHAR(36), and if p is 0x0 - VARBINARY(16)
Default p is 0
Usage Notes Can be used in defaults and triggers
Error Handling NULL is returned if wrong p is specified
Standards Sybase ASE Transact-SQL Extension

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