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DDL Options: Table Options

Change column name case

Defines the case of column names.

Use constraint names of the source database

This option will use the same constraint names as in the source database. Otherwise constraint names will be skipped.

Convert default values

This option converts default values for columns. If this option is disabled, conversion of default values will be skipped.

Convert identity columns

This option converts identities. If this option is disabled, conversion of identities will be skipped.

Force NOT NULL constraints for columns that make up a primary key

This option is used to set the NOT NULL constraints in the CREATE TABLE statement for columns making up a primary key. Some databases ( Sybase, Access e.g.) allow to not specify the NOT NULL constraints for primary key columns explicitly when creating a table and change columns to NOT NULL when adding a primary key. Other databases (IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL e.g.) require primary key columns to be created with NOT NULL constraints before adding a primary key.

Remove NOT NULL constraints from all columns except primary key columns

If checked, NOT NULL constraints for all columns except primary key columns in the target database will be removed.

Convert CHECK constraints

This option defines whether check constraints should be converted. If unchecked, check constraints will be skipped.

Convert Unique constraints

This option defines whether unique constraints should be converted. If unchecked, unique constraints will be skipped.

Convert cascade referential integrity constraint to no action

If checked all Foreign keys with CASCADE action would convert to Foreign Keys with NO ACTION action.

Convert indexes

This option defines the types of the indexes that will be converted by SQLWays tool. ALL – means that all indexes will be converted. Unique – means that only unique indexes will be converted. None – means that all the indexes will not be converted.

If you have any additional questions regarding the supported options and features, please feel free to mail us: