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Sqlways.ini File - Section [COMMON]
This article describes sqlways.ini file’s [COMMON] section and the options it contains.
Option name | Description |
DSN | Data source name. |
USER | User name. |
PWD | Password. |
TARGET | Target database. |
TARGET_PRODUCT | Target database product. |
TARGET_VERSION | Target database version. |
IMPORT_ORDER | Migration sequence. The default value is “Clean”. |
IMPORT_SYSTEM | Import system. The default value is Windows. |
DIR | Export directory. |
LOBDIR | Directory for LOB files. By default, Ispirer SQLWays Wizard will store LOB files in the Export directory. |
IMPORT_DIR | Import directory. |
IMPORT_LOBDIR | Import directory for LOB files. |
OUTFORMAT | Output text format. |
PREFETCHROWS | Prefetch count. The default value is 1000. |
NONSTOP | Continue when an error occurs. The default value is “Yes”. |
REGISTRATION_NAME | Specifies the registration name. This option can be used for custom tool fixes or when access to the registry to read license information is restricted. |
REGISTRATION_NUMBER | Specifies the registration number. Use this option if access to the registry to read license information is restricted. |
TEST | This option controls whether to generate testing scripts for destination database. More information about how to use this option can be found in this article: How to Test Converted SQL Code Possible values – “Yes”, “No” or Empty. Default value – “No” or Empty. |
MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEST_CALLS | Controls the number of calling statements for option TEST. The default value is 10. |
GENRPT | Option that controls whether to generate the HTML report or not. The default value is “Yes”. Possible values – “Yes”, “No”. |
CONVERT_VIEW2TABLE | Option that controls whether to convert all selected views to tables or not. The data for the tables will be extracted from the source database using the select provided in a view. The default value is “No”. Possible values – “Yes”, “No”. |
FN_WITH_EXC2SP | Whenever there is EXEPTION block with WHEN OTHERS inside the function it will be converted to procedure with TRY CATCH block. The default value is “No” or Empty. Possible values – “Yes”, “No”. |
OPTION_VARYING_PARSING | Option that controls the way the delimited identifiers from Informix are parsed. By default double quotes in Informix represent the string literal. This behavior can be changed by using the DELIMIDENT option. If DELIMIDENT option is set to ON, one can use double quotes to represent the delimited identifiers in Informix database. So, if the BL object like Stored Procedure or UDF is created with this option and uses delimited identifiers inside, even if the option is OFF, the BL still will be working correctly. The tool tries to parse double quotes as the string literal first, using the OPTION_VARYING_PARSING option. If the parser error arises, the source code is parsed as if the DELIMIDENT is set to ON - like a delimited identifier. Possible values – “Yes”, “No”. |
CONVERT_VIEW2TABLE | When this option is set to “Yes” all views selected for conversion are converted to tables. Data for such tables is retrieved using select statements of these views. The default value is “No”. Possible values – “Yes”, “No”. |
USE_ODBC_FUNCTIONS | When this option is set to “Yes”, only ODBC functions will be used to extract data from the source database. The default value is “No”. Possible values – “Yes”, “No”. |
PRECACHE_OBJECTS | This option increases productivity of the tool when working with large databases. When you need to convert a number of tables that is greater than the number defined in PRECACHE_TABLES_COUNT option, optimization is turned on. The default value is “True”. Possible values – “True”, “False”. |
PRECACHE_TABLES_COUNT | This option defines the minimum number of tables, which will be precached if PRECACHE_OBJECTS is set to “True”. The default value is 100. |
SUB_QUERY2VIEW | Option that controls whether to convert the sub-queries from WITH Clause into Views or not. The views in this case are created before the whole query and sub-query aliases are left the same as in the source. The conversion works when the option is set to “Yes”. The default value is “No”. |
USE_ANSI_CAST | When this option is set to “Yes”, only ANSI SQL scalar function CAST is used to convert values from one datatype to another. The default value is “No”. Possible values – “Yes”, “No”. Supported directions: Sybase ASA to PostgreSQL |
REPLICATION_CONVERT | When this option is set to “Yes” the tool performs generation of Triggers and additional tables for the SQLWays Replication Utility instead of migration. The default value is “No”. Possible values – “Yes”, “No”. |
LOGICAL_FILES_PATH | To migrate Logical Files from DB2 AS400 you need to provide the path to the files that will store LF definition. SQLWays Wizard will be able to read and analyze such description and convert it to the view in the target database. This option should be set only if you are migrating from DB2 AS400 and need to convert Logical Files. |
SOURCE_DB | Option that defines source database for Embedded SQL conversion. |
TARGET_DB | Option that defines target database for Embedded SQL conversion. |
API_SOURCE_DB | Option that defines database API for source database for Embedded SQL conversion. |
API_TARGET_DB | Option that defines database API for target database for Embedded SQL conversion. |
API_SOURCE_DB_VERSION | Option that defines version of database API for source database for Embedded SQL conversion. |
API_TARGET_DB_VERSION | Option that defines version of database API for target database for Embedded SQL conversion. |
PLACE_COMMENTED_SOURCE_END | This option controls where the commented source code of the object will be located in the generated SQL file. If this options is set to “Yes”, the commented source code will be placed at the end of the file. If this option is set to “No”, the commented source code will be placed at the beginning of the SQL file. Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty. Default value - “No”. |
LICENSE_INFO | This option generates the information about the date and time of conversion, version and license owner inside the converted SQL code. Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty. Default value - “Yes”. |
GENERATE_VERSION_TIMESTAMP | This option generates the information about the datetime of conversion and version of the tool in the SQL code. Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty. Default value - “No” or Empty. |
FB_DIALECT | This option defines the dialect number that will be used to connect to FIREBIRD database. |
CACHE_OBJECTS_COUNT | This option defines the number of objects that should be specified for conversion to launch the cache system for objects. If number of specified object is bigger than the number provided in the option, cache system will be launched. If number of objects is less, common conversion will be used. |
PARSE_DIRECTIVES | This option defines whether the toolkit should parse the directives in the C++ code. Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty. Default value - “Yes”. |
REMOVE_SRC_FORMATTING | This option removes source code formatting by removing extra separators for COBOL to JAVA direction. Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty. Default value - “No” or Empty. |
DETAIL_REPORT | If this option is set to “Yes”, detail report with the information about the converted objects will be generated and placed to the export directory in “Reports” folder. Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty. Default value - “No” or Empty. |
USE_SP_PRIMARYKEY | By default our tool shouldn't extract primary keys that were defined using the “sp_primarykey” system procedure in Sybase ASE database. But if we set this option to “Yes”, the tool will also convert the primary key defined with “sp_primarykey” system procedure. Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty. Default value - “No” or Empty. |
OMIT_ORACLE_HINTS | Since Oracle hints are specific only for Oracle database, by default these pieces of code are commented. If OMIT_ORACLE_HINTS option is set to “Yes”, all Oracle hints will be omitted during the conversion. Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty. Default value - “No” or Empty. |
SHORTCUT_JOINS | This option defines whether the OUTER keyword should be removed from Joins. If this option is set to “Yes”, then OUTER will be removed. Possible values - “Yes”, “No” or Empty. Default value - “No” or Empty. |
EMBEDDED_SQL_CONVERSION_OFF | This option switch off conversion of embedded statements that contains keywords specified in this option. User can specify multiple keywords using comma “,” as a separator. Default value - Empty. |
[common] registration_name = ABC Inc. registration_number = XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ
If you have any questions about the supported options and features, please contact our technical team: