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Database Migration in Batch Mode

SQLWays allows you to convert objects of a database in command line or in shell script.

Open Command Line Window

Open a command line window by running Start → SQLWays 8.x → SQLWays Command Line or Start → Run → cmd.exe

Converting Tables

To convert database objects run sqlways.exe as follows:

sqlways.exe /d=DSN_FOR_ODBC_CONNECTION /U=user_name /P=password /DIR=S:\Export_dir /target=Neoview /T=*.*

sqlways.exe /d=DSN_FOR_ODBC_CONNECTION /U=user_name /P=password /DIR=S:\Export_dir /target=Neoview /TF=S:\File_name.txt

Note: SQLWays command line options are case insensitive and their order is insignificant.

The list of available databases:

More detailed list of command line options can be found here: Command Line Options
If you will have any questions on how to run the migration in batch mode, please contact our technical team: