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Oracle - String Functions
This article describes string functions in Oracle.
Oracle - LENGTH | |
Syntax | LENGTH(string) |
Description | Returns the number of characters in string. The return type is NUMBER |
Notes | if string is CHAR, the length includes trailing blanks. If string is NULL, returns NULL |
SELECT LENGTH('Boston') "Length" FROM dual; Length ------ 6
Oracle LENGTH - Equivalents in Other Databases
Database | Equivalent |
SQL Server | LEN(string) - Excludes trailing blanks |
Oracle - SUBSTR | |
Syntax | SUBSTR(string, start_position [, length]) |
Description | Returns substring of string at the specified position start_position and length characters long. |
Default Values | if length is omitted, returns all characters to the end of string |
SELECT SUBSTR('NEW YORK', 5, 4) "Substr" FROM dual; Substr ------ YORK
Oracle SUBSTR - Equivalents in Other Databases
Database | Equivalent |
SQL Server | SUBSTRING(string, start_position, length) - length is required |
Oracle - INSTR | |
Syntax | INSTR(string, substring [, start_position, occurrence]) |
Description | INSTR searches string for substring. start_position indicates the position to begin the search. occurrence specifies which occurrence to search |
Return Value | INSTR returns the position of the first character or 0 if the substring is not found. The return type is NUMBER |
Default Values | start_position is 1, occurrence is 1 |
- Return the first occurrence of 'CD'
SELECT INSTR('ABCDCD', 'CD') c1 FROM dual; c1 ------ 3
- Return the second occurrence of 'CD'
SELECT INSTR('ABCDCD', 'CD', 1, 2) c1 FROM dual; c1 ------ 5
Oracle INSTR - Equivalents in Other Databases
Database | Equivalent |
MySQL | LOCATE(substring, string, start_position) - Different parameter order, no option to specify occurrence number |