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Ispirer Capabilities - PowerBuilder Conversion
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PowerBuilder to C# WPF MVVM Conversion Features
In order to correctly perform the conversion of the PowerBuilder application to C# WPF MVVM, please fulfill the following steps:
- Run Ispirer Migration Commander.
- Specify sources folder on the left pane
- Specify results folder on the right pane
- Select PowerBuilder as Source
- Select PowerBuilder as Target
- Go to Options→Migration…
- Click on specify INI file path
- Select *.ini file for generating statistics
.Ini File Settings for Statistics Collection
[Common] DSN=s:\Conversion\Sources\
- Select all files needed on the left pane
- Click Run or press F5
- Click OK or press Enter
- Wait until statistics generation is finished
- Сopy “globals” and “vo_information” files to the folder with sources
- Go to Options→Migration…
- Click on specify INI file path
- Select *.ini file for conversion
.Ini File Settings for PowerBuilder to C# WPF with MVVM Conversion
[Common] DSN=s:\Conversion\Sources\
- Select C# as Target
- Select all necessary files on the left pane
- Click Run or press F5 → OK
- Wait until conversion is finished
- Now you are able to check the conversion results right from the Ispirer Migration Commander