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Source Database Settings Page

This SQLWaysComparator Wizard page lets you specify the source database connection properties.

  • Database type
    • ODBC - used for the ODBC connection to the source database
      • User/System DSN – the name of the ODBC DSN used for the connection
      • File DSN - the name of the file DSN used for the connection
      • User name - user name for connection to the source database using ODBC connection
      • User password – password for connection to the source database using ODBC connection
    • DB2, MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SybaseAse - used for the connection to the source database using native API
      • Host name - the name of the host where the database server resides
      • Database name - the name of the database to compare
      • Database port - the port of the database to compare
      • User name - user name for connection to the source database using native API
      • User password – password for connection to the source database using native API

NOTE: Please note that native API usage in SQLWaysComparatorWzd may not be supported correctly for some RDBMSs provided

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