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Conversion Results

The result of the Conversion stage is the set of files containing the converted information, either definition of the objects or their data, the batch commands for this converted data loading and some additional reporting, log and trace files, containing the information about the Conversion process. All these files stored in the “Export” folder:

List of file extensions is as follows:

  • *sqlways.log - the log file containing all information about the conversion process.
  • *sqlways_imp.log - the log file containing all information about the import process.
  • *sqlways.trc - the trace file containing detailed information about the conversion process. This file is created only if “Run in Trace Mode” option is switched on.
  • *.bat - the batch file containing the commands to load the definitions of the exported object or its data. Each object has its own corresponding bat file.
    • sqlways_all.bat - the batch file containing the reference to each individual batch file. The references to the files are sorted according to the relationships between the objects exported from the source database.
  • *.txt - the file with the data from the appropriate table. Each table have its corresponding txt file after the export stage if the table contained the data in the source database.
    • *_del.txt - the additional file with the data from the appropriate table. This file is created only if the exported data contains the column and/or line delimiters, that are used by the native command line tool of the destination database for data loading.
  • *.sql - the file with the definitions of the exported sql object. Each successfully exported object have its corresponding sql file after the export stage.
    • _ddl.sql - the file with the definitions of the exported table. Each successfully exported table have its corresponding “_ddl.sql” file after the export stage.
    • _idx.sql - the file with the definitions of the exported indexes. The file is created only if some indexes were created on a table in the source database.
    • _cns.sql - the file with the definitions of the exported constraints. The file is created only if “Import Order” option was set to “Fast”, and constraints should be loaded in target database after the data migration.
    • _tab.sql - the file with the definitions of the exported table, when option “Migration Sequence” is set to “Fast”. Each successfully exported table have its corresponding “_tab.sql” file after the export stage.
    • SWF_*.sql, SWT_*.sql, SWP_*.sql - files that contain definitions of the objects generated by the migration tool in order to emulate source database logic in destination database. ( SWP - means SQLWays Stored Procedure, SWT - means SQLWays Trigger, SWF - means SQLWays Function and etc.)

Import Options

Import options on this window defines the types of the objects that will be loaded into the target database during the import:
Full” - Will do the import of all the converted objects (Table definitions, data, constraints, indexes).
DDL” - Option that defines whether the import of converted table definitions will be done.
Constraints” - Option that defines whether the import of converted constraints will be done.
DATA” - Option that defines whether the import of converted data will be done.
Indexes” - Option that defines whether the import of converted Indexes will be done.
Generated Objects” - Option that defines whether the import of additionally generated objects will be done. ( Objects that are generated by SQLWays Wizard automatically in order to emulate the logic of some features of the source database. Names of such objects starts with prefixes SWT_ or SWP_ or SWF_ ).

Start Import Automatically” - If this option is checked import process will be started automatically right after the “Conversion”. And user don't have to click “Start Import” button.

This feature allows to control the import process and define the required order of the import process as er your needs.

Please note!

This option doesn't influence on the conversion process. And Ispirer SQLWays Wizard will extract and convert all the objects (DDLs, Constraints, Indexes and additionally generated objects) and data. But during the import process only selected objects will be loaded.

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