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HP Neoview Data Types - TIMESTAMP

Versions: HP Neoview 2.4, 2.3 and 2.2

Syntax TIMESTAMP[(p)]
Data Date and time data (year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds and fractional seconds)
Parameters p specifies the number of digits in the fractional part of seconds
Range January 1, 0001 AD 00:00:00.000000 to December 31, 9999 23:59:59.999999, 0 ⇐ p ⇐ 6
Default p is 6 (microseconds)
Storage Size 11 bytes (7 bytes without fraction)
Standards ANSI SQL

HP Neoview TIMESTAMP - Equivalents in Other Databases

Database Data Type and Conversion
Oracle TIMESTAMP(p), January 1, 4712 BC 00:00:00.000000000 to December 31, 9999 23:59:59.999999999 (nanoseconds accuracy)
SQL Server DATETIME, January 01, 1753 00:00:00.000 to December 31, 9999 23:59:59.997 with accuracy 1/300 second
DATETIME2 and DATETIMEOFFSET, January 01, 0001 00:00:00.0000000 to December 31, 9999 23:59:59.9999999 (100 nanoseconds accuracy)
SMALLDATETIME, January 01, 1900 00:00 to June 06, 2079 11:59 (minute accuracy)
MySQL DATETIME, January 01, 1000 00:00:00 to December 31, 9999 23:59:59 (seconds accuracy)
PostgreSQL TIMESTAMP(p), January 01, 4713 BC 00:00:00:000000 and December 31, 5874897 23:59:59:999999 (microseconds accuracy)
Sybase ASE DATETIME, January 01, 1753 12:00:00.000 AM to December 31, 9999 11:59:59.999 PM with accuracy 1/300 second
SMALLDATETIME, January 01, 1900 00:00 to June 06, 2079 11:59 (minute accuracy)
Informix DATETIME, January 01, 0001 12:00:00.00000 AM to December 31, 9999 11:59:59.99999 PM (with 10 microseconds accuracy)
Teradata TIMESTAMP(p), January 01, 0001 00:00:00.000 to December 31, 9999 23:59:61.999999 (microseconds accuracy)
Ingres TIMESTAMP(p), 0001-01-01 00:00:00 to 9999-12-31 24:00:00

Related Data Types in HP Neoview

Data Types
Datetime DATE TIME(p)
Intervals INTERVAL year-month INTERVAL day-time

All Data Types

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