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Ispirer Capabilities - PostgreSQL Migration
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PostgreSQL Data Types
Versions: PostgreSQL 8.x and 7.x
Data Type | Parameters and Range |
Character Data Types | |
CHAR(n) - Fixed-length character data | 1 ⇐ n ⇐ 1G, default is 1 |
VARCHAR(n) - Variable-length character data | 1 ⇐ n ⇐ 1G, default is 1G |
TEXT - Variable-length character data | 1G |
Integer Data Types | |
BIGINT - 64-bit integer data | -263 to 263-1 |
INT, INTEGER - 32-bit integer data | -231 to 231-1 (2G) |
SMALLINT - 16-bit integer data | -32768 to 32767 |
SERIAL - 32-bit auto-increment integer data | -231 to 231-1 (2G) |
BIGSERIAL - 64-bit auto-increment integer data | -263 to 263-1 |
Decimal Data Types | |
NUMERIC(p,s), DECIMAL(p,s) - Fixed-point numeric data | 1 ⇐ p ⇐ 1000, default is 1000; 0 ⇐ s ⇐ p, default is 0 |
Floating-Point Data Types | |
FLOAT(p) - Floating-point numeric data | 1E-307 to 1E+308, 1 ⇐ p ⇐ 53, default is 53 |
REAL - 32-bit floating-point numeric data | 1E-37 to 1E+37 |
DOUBLE PRECISION - 64-bit floating-point numeric data | 1E-307 to 1E+308 |
Date and Time Data Types | |
DATE - Date data (year, month and day) | January 01, 4713 BC to December 31, 5874897 |
TIME(p) - Time data (hours, minutes, seconds and microseconds) | 00:00:00.000000 to 23:59:59.999999 0 ⇐ p ⇐ 6, default is 6 (microseconds) |
TIMESTAMP(p) - Date and time data (year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds and microseconds) | January 01, 4713 BC 12:00:00.000000 AM to December 31, 5874897 11:59:59.999999 PM |
INTERVAL(p) - Period of time | Interval units: microsecond, millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, century and millennium |
Binary Data Types | |
BYTEA - Variable-length binary data | 231-1 bytes (2G) |
Other Data Types | |
MONEY - Monetary data | -92233720368547758.08 to 92233720368547758.07 |
BOOLEAN - Boolean (bit) data | TRUE, FALSE and NULL |
UUID - Universally unique identifier |
Data Types in Other Databases